Monthly Group Full Moon Rituals



Monthly Group Full Moon Libation Prayers & Coconut Breaking Rituals Service

For Spiritual Protection, Clearing Away Negative Energies, For Bringing In Favour, Good Luck And Success .

To Participate In This Full Moon Ritual, Send me your full name, a recent picture, date of birth and country of resident.
You must order for divination reading or spiritual consultation, to enable me consult with my spirits if they accept that I work for you or not .
Spiritual Consultation Is Necessary Before Ordering This Service.

Every Month, During Full Moon For 7 Days Straight I Do Group Libation Prayers And Coconut Breaking Rituals For Myself And My Clients.
We Connect With Divine Spirits & Archangels From The Moon Dimension To Manifest Our Wishes & Prayers Request.

Moon Is a Very Powerful Spirit That Comes To The Earth Every Month, To Assist Us With Our Needs, If We Connect With Them.
This Rituals Starts 3 Days Before Full Moon Day Until 3 Days After Full Moon Day, Which Makes It 7 Days Rituals.

Participation Fee For This Full Moon Rituals Is Only 100€ minus Etsy fees and VAT .

Note : In most cases i will ask all participants to do spiritual cleansing with egg or spiritual bath before i begin their spiritual work and prayer.