IFA/AFA Consultation Divination Reading

IFA/AFA Consultation Live Video Reading On WhatsApp Or Skype Without Question Limit

I will give you spirit guided and accurate IFA/AFA Consultation reading to help you have more clarity about your concerns and life path via WhatsApp Or Skype without questions limit during the session time.

This IFA/AFA divination will help review your life path information, situations and problems . It will also give you clarity about your concerns , worries and the ability to change your life positively relating to your love life and relationships, career, finances, family , friends and spiritual paths.

Pre-Spiritual Work Divination Reading

Pre-Spiritual Work Reading Gives Spiritual Insight About The Spiritual Work.

This pre-spiritual work divination reading is firstly to confirm from my spirits if they accept that i work for you or not and if accepted by my spirits to work for you, during the divination I will also get spiritual insight about your spiritual work

Tarot Card Reading

3 Questions – General Tarot Card Reading , Love & Relationship Tarot Card Reading Via Email 

I will give you spirit guided and accurate tarot card reading to help you have more clarity about your concerns and life path.

This Tarot Card Reading will help review your life path information, situations and problems . It will also give you clarity about your concerns , worries and the ability to change your life positively relating to your love life and relationships, career, finances, family , friends and spiritual paths.

Pendulum Divination Reading

Yes Or No Pendulum Readings – 3 Questions Divination Reading Via Email

I will give you spirit guided and accurate Yes or No pendulum reading divination to help you have more clarity about your concerns and life path.

This pendulum divination will help review your life path information, situations and problems . It will also give you clarity about your concerns , worries and the ability to change your life positively relating to your love life and relationships, career, finances, family , friends and spiritual paths.

Spiritual Work - SpellWork Service

You Can Order Private Spiritual Work & Spell-Work For :

Love & Relationships Binding Spell , Attraction Spell, Domination Spell , Success & Prosperity Spell , Fertility & Pregnancy Ritual , Separation Spell, Soul Tie Cutting Spell, Court Case & Legal Issues Spell, Resident Permit & Legalization Spell, Protection Spell , Hex Removal & Uncrossing Spell .

 Spirits Appeasement, Reconnection, Alignment, Offerings, Sacrifices And Spiritual Work For :

Personal Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ancestral Deities, Spiritual Age Mates &  Spiritual Friends, Spiritual Husbands and Wife, Destiny Contract / Oath Of Life, Past Life Debt & Karma, Ancestral And Generational Curses Etc

One-On-One Spiritual Consultation

One-On-One Spiritual Consultation Via Live Video Via WhatsApp Or Skype

I Offer spiritual consultation about African Spirituality and Ancient Spirituality. If your confused about how to start your spiritual journey or have any spiritual experiences that you don’t understand or perhaps you have spiritual questions about Spiritual Appeasement, Offerings and Sacrifices to Spirits, I am here to guide you through by answering your spiritual questions. You can ask me any spiritual question about African Spirituality, Ancient Spirituality and your personal spiritual questions during your session time.


Upcoming End Of Month And New Month Libation Prayer And Rituals








End Of Month And New Month Libation Prayer & Rituals On 31/08 & 01/09 2024


Participation Fee : 100€

This End Of Month And New Month Libation Prayer And Rituals Is For Favour, Breakthrough, Success And Protection. It Will Start End Of August To First Day Of September. Contact Me If You Want To Participate. It Is Group Ritual.

Program Starting Time :  (  As Directed By My Spirits )

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