Long Distance And Guided Holy Water Blessing, Spiritual Cleansing , Water Purification And Healing Rituals . Distance Is Not a Barrier. You Can Receive Your Session From The Comfort Of Your Home.
As a water High Priestess that reincarnated to earth from water dimension i work a lot with water spirits, water Gods, Goddesses, Deities, Angels from water dimension and i also take people to river to perform water rituals and this is my long distance and guided water blessing , spiritual cleansing and healing rituals that has been approved and taught to me by my spirits . During the session my spirits will be invited to perform the session along with me. They are the manifestors of the healing, blessings and cleansing.
The spirits that called me to serve the Gods, Goddesses and humanity are very creative when it comes to spiritual work. Apart from water i also work with all dimensions and element but water is my primary dimension.
Water is powerful source of manifestation, transformation, healing, cleansing, deliverance and it also offers many blessings and an opportunity to release, cleanse your energy, and brings in clarity, good luck, favour that will support your next phase of life.
African spirituality believes that water is one of the key forces of life and balance. Many cultures in Africa and Asia does regular water rituals because it brings many blessings, manifestation and it also cleanses an individual from negative energizes in other to achieve purification of both the body and soul an individual . Water has been used from ancient times for many manifestation rituals , Water NEVER Fails me as a high priestess that carries staff of Authority from water dimension.
About This Water Blessings And Spiritual Cleansing Ritual
The African Oracle will guide you via live video on what to do during the session but before the session The African Oracle will inform you on the items you need to have in your home in advance before the session starts.
You might also be required to fetch some water from the river or lake in your city ,village or country that will be mixed with tap water from your home but spiritual consultation will determine if this is necessary or not.
You will be required to wear loose white cloths and you should buy a good size bucket and a jug or cup any colour apart from black and brown , dedicated to the water blessing and cleansing ritual. The water blessing and cleansing session will be done in your bathroom and you will be fully dressed.
During the session you be instructed to pour blessed water gradually over your head and body and after the rituals, you can change into dry cloths ( Not black or brown cloths )
And i still require a recent picture of you that i will use to perform some rituals on your behalf before, during and after the session.
Note :
Women that are on their menstrual cycle can not perform this water rituals. You must wait until your menstrual cycle stops .
About Booking For Session :
We Will Both Decide On Session Date And Time That Is Best Suitable For Both Of Us.
Note :
This holy water blessing and spiritual cleansing and healing ritual is not intended to replace any doctor approved medical treatment plan.
And Secondly, you must first book for divination reading or spiritual consultation for me to consult with my spirits if they want me to work for you or not before i can accept to book you for this water blessing and spiritual cleansing and healing session .