Relationship Reading – IFA/AFA DEEP Relationships Spiritual Consultation Via Email



Relationship Spiritual Consultation – Deep Relationship Divination Reading

Through This Relationship Divination Reading, You Will Have The Opportunity To Know More About The Person That You Want To Go Into Romantic Relationship With And The Person You Are Already In a Relationship With Or Someone You Are Married To , Their Intentions Towards You And The Relationship. This Will Help You Avoid Many Future Mistakes, Heart Breaks And Regrets. And Also So That You Don’t Waste Your Time, Emotions, Money On The Wrong Person

The Following Relationship Readings Will Be Done :

1. I Will Check The Intentions Of Both Parties Towards The Relationship. This Will Help You Make Better Decisions .

2. I Will Check If ALL Information He Or She Has Told You About Her Or Himself Are Correct Because Some People Lie A Lot .

3. I Will Check If Your Partner Or The Person You Want To Go Into Relationship With Or The Person You Want To Marry Is Your Life Partner Or Your Soul Mate Or Not . If You Marry Someone Who Is Not Your Life Partner The Relationship Won’t Last .

Also Some People Have a Destiny Contract To Marry Only Their Soulmate On This Life Time And If They Marry Someone else The Relationship Won’t Work.

4. I Will Check If Your Life Path Are Compatible With Each Others, In Order To Marry Or Start a Romantic Relationship.
Some People Are Not Our Soul Mate But Our Destiny Can Be Compatible With Them To Marry Or Go Into a Relationship .

Example :
If Someone Destiny Contract Is To Never To Have Children And Your Destiny Contract Is To Have Many Children In This Life Time, You Are Not Compatible .

If Someone Has a Destiny Contract To Marry Many Wives Or Husbands And Your Destiny Contract Only Want Someone That You Can’t Share With Another Woman Or Man, Then Your Not Compatible Etc

5. I Will Check If He Or She Will Treat You Well In The Relationship Or Maltreat & Abuse You.

6. I Will Check If He Or She Will Cheat A Lot In The Relationship Or If He Or She Is Cheating In Your Established Relationship Or Marriage.

7. I Will Check If His Or Her Family ( In-Laws ) Will Accept You Or Not ?

8. I Will Check If You Marry Him Or She, If You Will Give Birth And If Yes, Will It Be Delayed Pregnancy Or Not ?

9. I Will Check If He/She Will Molest, Abuse Or Maltreat Your Children Or Children From Previous Relationship.

I Will Check If This Relationship Will Cause You Premature Death Or Bring You Sickness.
Example Of Sickness, Could Be S.T.D

I Will Check If Both Parties Work On Their Relationship, If It Last Until They Grow Together And Live Together Permanently Or Stay Married In This Life Time Without
Separation And Divorce ?

I Will Ask If He / She Will Accept Your Spiritual Practice In The Long Run ?

For Those Of You That Are Spiritual Minded Because Sometimes, Some People Will Accept Your Spiritual Practice In The Beginning Of The Relationship But Later After Some Years They Will Start Speaking Against Your Spiritual Practice , So It Is Very Important To Address This From Start Of The Relationship .